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What to Expect During a Past Life Regression Session

Many people who come for a Past Life Regression session are excited about going on an adventure of discovering who they were in a past life, however I also have many clients who are quivering with fear and apprehension because as much as they want or need to know about their past life , they are not sure what to expect.

The Consultation...
Before the session begins, I always spend half an hour in consultation with a new client to put them at ease and explain to them exactly what to expect. I would explain to them that they will be aware of every thing that is happening and in fact would have a heightened state of awareness. I will explain that they are in control at all times and can stop a session at any point should they wish to do so.

I will take notes of their details and discuss with them why they want a P/L/R session. This helps me to understand their reasons .. whether it is curiosity, part of their spiritual search or as a therapy because they need healing. I would then give them a short guided meditation so that they can start feeling relaxed; leaving the worries of the outside world behind them.

The Past Life Regression Session....
Once the client is happy, we proceed to the therapy room. The atmosphere of the therapy room is warm and cosy and calm. The client can lie on the therapy bed or be seated in a relaxing chair. I then proceed to relate to the client a series of top to toe relaxation exercises, followed by a deeper visual guided exercise until the client is guided in to a hypnotic state.


The hypnotic state is similar to a state of trance. The client is aware of everything and is awake but is simply relaxed deeply to the point where the conscious mind relaxes and switches off, allowing the memories that are stored in the subconscious mind to be accessed.

The client will then be asked to recall memories of their present life... from their teens ,then childhood then back to their birth, then beyond to their most relevant past life. I will instruct the client to recall significant times and people from their past life. To view their death scene, I would instruct them to do so as if they were watching a film this would blanket any raw feelings or emotions.


We would then review the life to see if any healing or forgiveness needs to be sent to any aspect of that life. The client is then counted out of hypnosis and gently brought back to the present time and place. We will then both discuss what has happened and what can be learned from the experience.


The session itself takes one and a half, to, two hours and is recorded.

For someone experiencing Past Life Regression, it is an awe inspiring, memorable experience that leaves them calm and relaxed with greater insight to their Soul's journey...

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